Potato diseases..
Late blight of potato: Phytopthora infestans
It affects leaves, stems and
tubers. Water soaked spots appear on
leaves, increase in size, turn purple
brown& finally black colour White
growth develops on under surface of
leaves. This spreads to petioles, rachis&
stems. It frequently develops at nodes.
Stem breaks at these points and the plant topples over. In tubers, purplish brown spots
and spread to the entire surface on cutting, the affected tuber show rusty brown necrosis
spreading from surface to the center.
The mycelium is endophytic, coenocytic and hyaline which are inter cellular with
double club shaped haustoria type. Sporangiophores are hyaline, branched intermediate
and thick walled. Sporangia are thin walled, hyaline, oval or pear shaped with a definite
papilla at the apex. The sporangium may act as a conidium and germinate directly to form
a germ tube. Zoospores are biflagellate possess fine hairs while the other does not.
Mode of spread and survival
The infected tubers and the infected soil may serve as a source of primary
infection. The diseased tubers are mainly responsible for persistence of the disease from
crop to crop. The air borne infection is caused by the sporangia.
Favourable conditions
RH->90% , Temp.-10-25°C and Night temperature:10°C. Cloudiness on the next day
Rainfall at least 0.1mm, the following day.
A regular spraying and dusting during the growing season give effective control.
First spraying should be given before the commencement of the disease and subsequent
should follow at reqular interval of 10 -15 days. Protective spraying with mancozeb or
zineb 0.2 % should be done to prevent infection of tubers. Destruction of the foliage few
days before harvest is beneficial and this is accomplished by spraying with suitable
herbicide. Tuber contamination is minimized if injuries are avoided at harvest time and
storing of visibly infected tubers before storage. The resistant varities recommended for
cultivation are Kufri Naveen, Kufri Jeevan, Kufri
Alenkar, Kufri Khasi Garo and Kufri Moti.
Early blight: Alternaria solani
It is present in both hills & plains. Brown-
black necrotic spot-angular, oval shape
characterized by concentric rings .Several spot
coalesce & spread all over the leaf. Shot holes on fruits.
Hyphae are light brown or olivaceous which become dark coloured with age. The
hyphae are branched, septate and inter and intra cellular. The coniophores emerge
through the stomata or between the epidermal cells. The conidia are club shaped with a
long beak which is often half the long of the whole conidium. The lower part of the
conidium is brown while the neck is colorless. The body of the conidium is divided by 5
– 10 transverse septa and there may or may not be a few longitudinal septa.
Favourable condition
Dry warm weather with intermittent rain .Poor vigor. Temperature: 25-30°C.
Poorly manured crop.
Mode of spread and survival
The conidia and the mycelium in the soil or in the debris of the affected plants can
remain viable for more than 17 months. These conidia or the new conidia found on the
overwintered mycelium bring about the primary infection of the succeeding potato crop.
Secondary infection is more important in the spread of the disease. The conidia formed
on the spots developed due to primary infection are disseminated by wind to long
distances. The conidia from the affected plant may also be disseminated to the adjoining
plants by rain and insects.
Disease free seed tubers should be used for planting. Removal and destruction of
infected plant debris should be done because the spores lying in the soil are the primary
source of infection. Very early spraying with Zineb or captan 0.2% and repeating it for
every 15 – 20 days gives effective control. The variety Kufri Sindhuri possesses a fair
degree of resistance
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